Thursday, August 16, 2012

Voice Your Opinion

It is election time and the rhetoric is flying everywhere. Obama didn't do this. Romney did that. If you step back for a moment it sounds like a third grade playground. There is quite a bit going on and a lot at stake. How many people will actually stand up for what they truly believe and cast a ballot based on an informed decision? Not many, I suppose.

Not all of the LGBT community is liberal. This community covers a huge spectrum of different people in different cultures with varying beliefs and ideals. There are large and powerful groups like the Log Cabin Republicans that are LGBT and strongly driven. There are also large groups of Democrats such as the Stonewall Democrats on the other side. And, wow, there are a lot of people in the middle that aren't necessarily activist but have strong beliefs in our government but feel completely disenfranchised by both major parties.

Politics is politics and will always be a dog and pony show. They say they are putting their best candidate forward and the public will decide. Hmmm, do you really think that every elected official is the best person for their job? Seems more like a popularity contest.

One thing I don't understand is as a community, the LGBT community, why would we give our vote and power to anyone taking away our rights or not representing us. There are people on both sides of the aisle that feel we all deserve marriage equality. There are even more that know that we are discriminated against personally, professionally and by the government. Do we need more dialogue? Do we get too caught up in the media bias? BTW I love how certain people say they aren't biased as media. YEAH RIGHT! They wouldn't be in business without the ratings to drive their advertising. I think everyone needs to look at all the sides and get a broader view to stay informed. Do you like Obama? Do you like him strictly because he is a democrat? Do you feel the same about Romney? Or do you dislike one of them solely based on their political affiliation?

I am just a small business owner with a wide range of friends and family with many different beliefs. I don't discount any of them. I may not believe the same thing. I might not even argue with them every time they bring it up. I do want what is best for the LGBT community and small businesses in this country. I want to walk down the street proud and know that I might have made a difference. Don't you?